

Founded in 1993, aiming to create a first-quality agricultural project, La Limonera SA was established in Yácuchína, in the province of Tucumán, Argentina, at the foot of the foothills of Los Andes.
Our lemon trees grow here. From here is all of our fruit that after a rigorous selection will be exported reaching its best quality and guaranteed health to markets all over the world.
It is here where, carefully complying optimal quality control standards, specialized engineers and technicians, schedule and control the all the agricultural work to be carried out throughout the year, so as to get a balanced production of top quality lemons that satisfies the most demanding markets.
Faithful to an inescapable commitment to the nature and the environment, from its artisanal packing house, La Limonera SA takes care of all the details so that the final consumer receives the lemon with the same purity that it was when harvested.

Up – first production of La Limonera (Juan Luis Alvarez)
Down – First Box (Nestor Vellido)


The harvest begins around mid- April and runs until mid-September. Chep pallets available according to importer’s requirements.


Donde Encontrarnos

Packing House

Ruta Provincial 325 km 18,500, Yacuchina, Monteros, Argentina

Administrative Office

Lamadrid 456, San Miguel de Tucuman